About Us

The initial motive behind the development of anAngel is the financing gap for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to the United Nations, 7.5 trillion USD is required yearly to meet the ambition of the SDGs by 2030, and 3,9 trillion USD is missing ( UNEP FI, 2018). The idea was to develop a socially innovative technological application that will harness the power of the community to amplify positive impact, to reduce administrative requirements and costs and to provide intelligence for better use of limited resources, amongst others.

The anAngel platform nurtures solidarity, collaboration and support, uniting the World for a common goal to make lives better.

anAngel the #1 platform to do good!

"We are building the engine to power and accelerate change. anAngel is a tool to catalyse the co-creation of the World we want, one action at a time."

Tony Lee Luen Len - Co-founder